M – F | 8:00AM – 6:00PM

Saturday | Appointment Only


What are Night Guards?

Bruxism is the technical term for tooth grinding. It is a much more common problem than you might think, and the majority of patients who grind their teeth do so at night when they’re unaware of it. Bruxism can lead to problems with your teeth, pain, TMJ dysfunction and sensitivity. This is why we offer night guards to those suffering with bruxism.

Why are Night Guards needed?

A night guard is often needed if you have bruxism, or tooth grinding. You might grind your teeth due to stress or an uneven bite. Most often, patients grind their teeth at night when they’re unaware of their actions. Some of the problems that bruxism can cause if left untreated include:

What Are Night Guards
Why Are Night Guards Needed

Who is a candidate for Night Guards?

We can examine your teeth and determine if you have bruxism. Oftentimes, an exam as well as x-rays will help us to identify the problem and begin offering treatment options. If you do have bruxism, no matter how severe, we can provide you with an easy-to-wear mouth guard. This mouth guard can be worn each night to further protect your teeth.

What can you expect when having Night Guards made?

Impressions are taken and allow us to make a custom-fitted night guard for you to wear. You will come in and have the guard fitted to ensure it’s comfortable and secure. This night guard creates a cushion between the upper and lower teeth, which prevents the effects of grinding. Over time, your oral and dental health will benefit from the night guard. If the guard begins to show signs of wear, it can easily be replaced and worn as needed. Be sure to remove your night guard each morning and soak it in a special dental rinse to clear away bacteria and plaque.

If you think you might need to have a night guard for nighttime grinding, call our office today and we can help to get you in for an appointment.

When Having Night Guards Made